Britney 'Most Popular' Yahoo Search

Pregnancy, divorce and knickerless partying have made Britney Spears the most popular Yahoo search in the world for the fifth time in six years.

The star, who turned 25 at the weekend, gave birth to second son Jayden James in September, only to announce she was ditching his father, rapper Kevin Federline, two months later.

In recent weeks she has whipped up an internet storm after being photographed on nights out with hotel heiress Paris Hilton.

Spears' new best friend only managed fifth place in Yahoo's Buzz Index list of the most searched-for terms in 2006.

knickerless:n. 不穿内裤
ditch:vt. 抛弃;摆脱
whip up: v. 激起;激起


腾讯科技讯 12月5日消息,怀孕、离婚和不穿短裤参加舞会等新闻使女歌星布兰妮•斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)连续第六年成为雅虎搜索引擎在全球搜索中的最流行的内容。

布兰妮上周末25周岁了。她在今年9月份生下了第二个儿子Jayden James,并且在两个月后与儿子的父亲Kevin Federline结婚。

布兰妮最好的朋友Buzz在雅虎2006年搜索最多的词汇排行榜上排名第五位。好莱坞影星Lindsay Lohan排名第十位。Buzz的发言人Cathi Early说,布兰妮没有最近半夜发生的滑稽动作也会排在首位。



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