
想必你已经看过皮克斯出品的动画电影《飞屋环行记》,还记得电影里那个带着正方形眼镜的老头卡尔和围着红领巾的中国小孩罗素吗? 现实版飞屋仅仅用了三百个气球就实现了。大大地不可思议。现在我们就来看看相关的图片和英文报道吧!

Flying house from Pixar’s animated movie “Up” was recreated in real life.

Team of engineers constructed basic structure of a house and used 300 balloons to make it fly. The project was commissioned by the National Geographic Channel for the “How Hard Can It Be?” TV show.



You know that movie 'Up' by Pixar? The one about the crotchety old man and chubby boyscout? Yeah, I haven't actually seen it (somebody said it'd be too sad for me AND I'M DELICATE LIKE EXPLOSIVE GEL). Well, to promote their upcoming television series 'How Hard Can It Be?', National Geographic built a functional replica of the 'Up' house to -- get this -- see how hard it could be. SOFT LOOKS PRETTY SOFT.


这项实验本身属于国家地理频道正在制作中的系列片《How Hard Can It Be?》拍摄的一部分。


...March 5 at dawn, National Geographic Channel and a team of scientists, engineers, and two world-class balloon pilots successfully launched a 16' X 16' house 18' tall with 300 8' colored weather balloons from a private airfield east of Los Angeles, and set a new world record for the largest balloon cluster flight ever attempted. The entire experimental aircraft was more than 10 stories high, reached an altitude of over 10,000 feet, and flew for approximately one hour.

The filming of the event, from a private airstrip, will be part of a new National Geographic Channel series called How Hard Can it Be?, which will premiere in fall 2011.

3月5日,美国国家地理频道和一个由科学家、工程师和两个世界顶级热气球飞行员的组成的团队成功将电影中的飞屋带到了现实中,这个飞屋约25平米,由300个直径约2.5米的充满氦气的彩色探空气球(Weather Balloon)将其拉升到空中,这座飞屋在空中飞行了约1个小时,飞行高度约1万英尺(3048米),创造了一项新的最大簇气球飞行世界纪录。

整个过程将会被制作成该频道的新节目《How Hard Can it Be?》中的一集,于2011年秋季播出。


MYTHBUSTERS KNOCKOFF. And it only took eight years to come up with the idea! Smooth, National Geographic executives. And by smooth I mean rough, like wiping your ass with a handful of sand and gravel. That said, I'll still watch it. And not just because I can only stand so much ginger facial hair and berets, but...actually that is mostly why. Plus it's hard making room on my DVR with so much Real Housewives and Jersey Shore.

Hit the jump for several more pictures and a video news report of the I believe I can fly in action.



Up is a 2009 computer-animated comedy-adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios, distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and presented in Disney Digital 3-D.   It is Pixar's tenth feature film and the studio's first to be presented in Disney Digital 3-D,and is accompanied in theaters and DVD releases by the short film Partly Cloudy.

The film centers on an elderly widower named Carl Fredricksen and an earnest young Wilderness Explorer named Russell who fly to South America in a house suspended by helium balloons. The film has received overwhelmingly positive reviews, with a rating of 98% on Rotten Tomatoes (the best reviewed wide-released film of 2009 on the site), and grossed over $731 million worldwide. It was awarded the Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Score in 2010.

