sion n.印象

My impression of my neighbor’s dog is awful. 我邻居那条狗给我的印象很可怕。

a good impression 留下好印象

Making a good impression on your boss is very important. 让你的老板对你有个好印象非常重要。


The plane will take five hours to arrive at its final destination. 飞机要花五小时才能抵达最后的目的地。

at work 报到;上班

Please tell the secretary when you arrive at work on your first day. 你第一天上班报到时,请通知秘书。


Please do not bother me while I’m working. 我工作时请不要打搅我。

up from 抬头看

As I looked up from my book, I could see the first raindrops on the window. 我在看书,抬头一看,见到雨点开始打到窗上。


This cafe is a nice spot to get a coffee or something to eat. 想喝杯咖啡或吃点什么的话,这家咖啡厅是个蛮不错的地方。

8. take one’s spot 取代某人的位置;就位

You cannot just push in and take my spot in the queue. 你不能就这样进来插队,把我的位置给占去。

r n.柜台

When you have finished your lunch, please place your tray on the counter. 吃完中饭后,请把盘子放在柜台上。


Mr. Hoshino is an important Japanese client for this insurance company. 星野先生是这家保险公司重要的日本客户。

ly adj.平坦地,平顺地

Spreading the frosting smoothly can make cakes look pretty. 糖霜要均匀平顺地涂在蛋糕上,蛋糕看起来才会漂亮。

ch v.接近;靠近

I thought I saw a 1000-dollar bill, but as I approached, I realized it was just a piece of paper. 我以为我看到了一张千元大钞,等我走近一看,才发现原来只是一张纸。


He grabbed his sandwich and ran to school. 他抓起三明治就往学校冲。


There was a holdup at the bank yesterday, but fortunately no one got hurt. 昨天银行发生抢劫,所幸无人受伤。

ied adj.害怕的,恐惧的

I would be terrified to be alone in a dark forest. 我一个人待在黑暗的森林中会很害怕。


We had better put all the money we have in the safe, or it may get stolen. 我们最好把钱放进保险箱,否则会被偷掉。


Raspberries do not grow on a tree. You must be lying. 覆盆子不长在树上,你一定在说谎。


In the past, all warriors had to learn to shoot an arrow. 以前的战士都必须学会射箭。


I think that you must be a genius. 我想你一定是个天才。


Don’t drive so fast. 别开得这么快。

on 等会;保持

Hold on, I’ll check if Ms. Jones is in the meeting room. 等一下,我看看琼斯女士有没有在会议室。

d v.假装

If you pretend to be a statue, you will have to keep very still. 如果你假装自己是座雕像,得完全保持静止才行。


I had to reach down to feed the puppy as it was so tiny. 小狗太小了,我必须把手伸到下面才喂得到它。


The piano is far too heavy to lift, we will have to slide it into place. 这台钢琴太重了,根本搬不动,我们将不得不把它滑到位。


The policeman tackled the thief. 警察抓住了窃贼。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译