

1. 基本词汇(Basic Vocabulary)

1.1 扳手(Wrench)

  • 扳手通常是用于旋紧或者松开螺母和螺栓的工具。
  • A wrench is a tool typically used for tightening or loosening nuts and bolts.

1.2 十字扳手(Crosshead Wrench)

  • 十字扳手,也称为十字型螺丝刀,适用于十字头螺丝。
  • A crosshead wrench, also known as a Phillips screwdriver, is used for Phillips head screws.

1.3 手动扳手(Manual Wrench)

  • 手动扳手需要人力来操作,通过旋转来完成任务。
  • A manual wrench requires human effort to operate, typically by turning.

2. 不同类型的扳手(Different Types of Wrenches)

2.1 活动扳手(Adjustable Wrench)

  • 活动扳手具有可调节的开口,适用于不同尺寸的螺母和螺栓。
  • An adjustable wrench has a movable jaw, allowing it to fit different sizes of nuts and bolts.

2.2 套筒扳手(Socket Wrench)

  • 套筒扳手通常用于深处或者需要扭矩的螺母和螺栓。
  • A socket wrench is commonly used for nuts and bolts in deep or torque-sensitive applications.

2.3 内六角扳手(Allen Wrench)

  • 内六角扳手适用于六角孔的螺栓和螺母。
  • An Allen wrench is used for bolts and nuts with hexagonal sockets.

3. 使用扳手的场景(Scenarios for Using a Wrench)

3.1 维修机械(Repairing Machinery)

  • 在维修机械时,扳手是必不可少的工具之一。
  • A wrench is indispensable when repairing machinery.

3.2 家庭维修(Home Repairs)

  • 在家庭维修中,使用扳手可以轻松处理一些家具或者设备的问题。
  • Using a wrench can easily tackle some issues with furniture or appliances during home repairs.

3.3 装配家具(Assembling Furniture)

  • 在组装家具时,可能需要使用扳手来紧固螺丝。
  • Assembling furniture may require using a wrench to tighten screws.

4. 相关动词和短语(Related Verbs and Phrases)

4.1 扭紧(Tighten)

  • 用扳手把螺丝扭紧。
  • Tighten the screw with a wrench.

4.2 松开(Loosen)

  • 使用扳手将螺丝松开。
  • Loosen the screw with a wrench.

4.3 调整(Adjust)

  • 使用活动扳手调整尺寸。
  • Adjust the size using an adjustable wrench.

5. 安全注意事项(Safety Precautions)

5.1 戴手套(Wear Gloves)

  • 使用扳手时应该戴上手套,以免受伤。
  • Wear gloves when using a wrench to avoid injury.

5.2 注意力集中(Stay Focused)

  • 在使用扳手时要集中注意力,以防发生意外。
  • Stay focused when using a wrench to prevent accidents.


