

1. 适当的称呼与问候

  • Addressing someone with the appropriate title and surname is crucial in business settings. (在商务场合使用适当的称呼和姓氏至关重要。)
  • When meeting someone for the first time, it’s polite to offer a firm handshake and maintain eye contact. (第一次见面时,握手要坚定,并保持眼神交流是礼貌的表现。)
  • Greeting with phrases like “Good morning/afternoon/evening” followed by the person’s title and surname is common practice. (以“早上好/下午好/晚上好”等问候语开头,然后加上对方的职称和姓氏是常规做法。)

2. 商务交流中的礼貌用语

  • Using polite expressions like “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Excuse me” demonstrates respect and professionalism. (使用“请”,“谢谢”和“对不起”等礼貌用语显示出尊重和专业素养。)
  • Acknowledging others’ contributions with phrases like “I appreciate your input” or “Thank you for your valuable insight” fosters positive relationships. (用诸如“我感谢你的建议”或“谢谢你宝贵的见解”等表达来感谢他人的贡献,有助于建立良好的关系。)

3. 会议中的提问与回答

  • When asking questions during a meeting, it’s polite to address the person by name and wait for them to finish speaking before responding. (在会议中提问时,礼貌地称呼对方的名字,并等待对方说完后再回答。)
  • Responding to questions with clarity and brevity shows professionalism and ensures effective communication. (以清晰简洁的方式回答问题显示出专业素养,并确保有效沟通。)
  • It’s acceptable to ask for clarification if you don’t understand a question or point raised during the meeting. (如果在会议中不理解某个问题或观点,可以请求澄清是可以接受的。)

4. 商务用语的正确运用

  • Familiarize yourself with common business phrases and expressions such as “Could you please provide more details?” or “Let’s touch base later.” (熟悉常见的商务短语和表达,如“你能提供更多细节吗?”或“我们稍后再联系。”)
  • Avoid using slang or informal language in professional settings, as it may be perceived as unprofessional. (在专业场合避免使用俚语或非正式语言,因为这可能被认为是不专业的。)
  • Practice using formal language structures such as passive voice and modal verbs to convey professionalism in written communication. (在书面交流中使用被动语态和情态动词等正式语言结构,以传达专业素养。)

5. 遵守文化差异

  • Be mindful of cultural differences in business etiquette, such as greetings, gestures, and communication styles. (注意商务礼仪中的文化差异,如问候方式、手势和沟通风格。)
  • Researching and understanding the cultural norms of your business counterparts demonstrates respect and facilitates smoother interactions. (研究和了解商业伙伴的文化规范显示出尊重,并促进更顺畅的互动。)



