Some might turn to the latest scientific findings or dietary advice to help them prolong their life expectancy. But Gladys Gough, who has reached an incredible 103 years old, puts her longevity down to her single status. The centenarian from Stoke-on-Trent says she couldn't be bothered with men and has never had a boyfriend, let alone married or had children.

随着生活节奏的加快,人们对自身健康越来越重视,开始关注报刊上、网络上对于长寿的秘诀、以及如何能延长生命、关于饮食方面的花样翻新。今天一位来自澳大利亚墨尔本的103岁的老太太Gladys Gough告诉我们,她长寿的秘诀就是:一辈子不受到男人的困扰,别说是男朋友了,她连结婚都没想过,更别说是要小孩。

She has wit, charm and a sense of humour but has avoided relationships all her life Instead of settling down, she travelled the world with her sister, visiting far flung and exotic countries, and made sure she always ate her dinner.

这位看起来身体还十分硬朗、头脑还十分清晰、并且还有些许幽默感的老太太Gladys Gough一辈子都在避免有男朋友。她会和姐姐环游世界,周游列国,此外,最最重要的秘诀,每一天都必须吃晚餐。

Staff at the care home where Gladys lives describes her as a 'charmer'. But the life-long singleton maintains its her avoidance of the opposite sex which could be the secret to her long and healthy life. 'I always eat my dinner. I've always made sure that I've eaten well,' she said. 'I never got married or had a boyfriend either. That probably had something to do with it. I just couldn't be bothered with men.'

与老人同住在养老院的“同事们”都觉得老人Gladys Gough是一位“非常具有吸引力”的老太太,大家觉得,老人一辈子远离异性、或者对异性持有排斥态度的生活习惯说不定就是能够保持她长寿、以及健康生活的一个重要秘诀。老太太Gladys Gough说:“我每天都确保我的晚餐能吃好、从来没想过结婚或者有什么男朋友之类的事情,说不定这是长寿的原因。但是,我真的不能忍受男人,这十分重要!”