1. 谁是大厨

Women do the cooking in 80% of households, but 90% of TV chefs are men.


2. 同工同酬?

Men earn 30% more than women who do the same job.


同工同酬:equal pay for equal work
例如:The Constitution provides the principle of equal pay for equal work to men and women alike.(中国宪法明确规定男女同工同酬。)

3. 究竟谁做主?

Women lead 65% of all families, but only 3% of companies.


掌舵:take the helm
例如:The general has taken the helm of the states.(这位将军掌握了国家领导权。)

4. 不能消化这些事就喝酸奶吧!

Some things are hard to digest. That's why we recommend Activia every day. 

总有些事实让人难以消化, 因此我们推荐每天吃Activia酸奶。
