

Online multiplayer computer games require a fast internet connection. It's what brings many users here to this internet café in the west of Beijing.

"I've got internet at home but the connection is much faster in this internet café."

"I come from a small village and the internet connection there is very slow. The speed here in Beijing is much faster."

"I've got internet at home but the connection is much faster in this internet café."

Recent figures from the Chinese government show that the speed of the internet in China is less than half that of the global average. Although some have questioned how these figures were calculated, there is a general feeling in China that the internet is slow. And one Chinese expert says it could get even slower.

Edward Yu is the head of Analysis International, a Chinese firm specializing in providing research about the internet. He says one of the main reasons behind China's slow internet is outdated technology.

"China definitely needs to upgrade their internet network to the next level using IPV6 to accommodate more addresses."

IPV6 is a system used to allocate an address to every device that uses the internet. It was designed to replace the current version of the software, which is running out of space.

China has partly introduced the new technology, most notably for the Beijing Olympic Games website in 2008. But Edward Yu says time is running out for the government to fully upgrade to the new system.

"What I know is the address is running out of stock very quickly. So, if China doesn't try to upgrade their protocol level, in next 2-5 years we can experience slower internet speeds instead of getting quicker access."

There are currently half a billion internet users in China. That's 70 million more than the same time last year. Over the next few years, the challenge will be to ensure the country's internet network can keep up with such a rapid pace of development.

For CRI, I'm Dominic Swire.

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