4 tips for marketing to millennials

Wine expert Gary Vaynerchuk rose to celebrity status through non-traditional marketing, making a name for himself and his family’s New Jersey wine business on the Internet through his popular video blog, Wine Library TV.
A frequent speaker on brand building in the age of social media, Vaynerchuk is the recent author of “The Thank You Economy”, which addresses the way consumers are interacting in an increasingly transparent marketplace.
Here are his top-of-mind tips for marketing to the millennial generation.
1. Listen and don’t talk.
That’s the biggest problem for everybody, especially with this demographic.
2. Understand that they inherently want to explore as many things as possible.
Way too many people think that this generation is simple. Their DNA has shown me that they are far more exploratory than any other generation.
3. You’ve got to be able to tell your story quickly and the story has got to be relevant.
Way too many people in the wine business want to come out and talk about how many barrels they use or what the terroir is. There is nobody in the millennial generation that gives a crap. They would much rather know about the name of the dog that runs around in the vineyard. That’s much more personal.
4. People want to put the millennials in a square pegDon’t fight the market.
really struggling with that. They don’t like the transparency. They don’t like that there are so many places you have to talk to them. They don’t like the fact that they can’t control the message. They don’t like it, but you know what, it’s the way it is.
brand building:品牌建设
millennial generation:现在葡萄酒吸引了各类消费群体,其中包括千禧一代(millennials)的年轻消费者群体(21~23岁)。
Way too :“太",比much too 感情更强烈。
give a crap:不在乎,不关心。
square peg:不合其位的人。