
请看《新华网》相关报道:Last month, China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine found chromium and neodymium in nine SK-II products. The toxic heavy metals can cause dermatitis and skin rashes. Neodymium also causes harm to eyes, lungs and liver. They are banned for use in cosmetics in China.


Rash常用来形容“轻率的、鲁莽的”,如:I promised in a rash moment to buy him a pet monkey.(我未经考虑竟贸然答应给他买只猴子做宠物。)

不过,rash还可用来指“皮肤病”。若脸上生出许多红色的小痘痘,痒痛难忍,都可用rash来表达,即我们汉语中的“热疹、皮疹”。看下面一个例句:He came in a rash today.(他今天出疹子了。)