


Sheng, dan, jing, chou are in fact terms for different types of roles. Sheng is the positive male role, dan is the positive female role, while jing is a supporting male role with a striking character and chou is the clown or a negative character. Every type of role wears its own facial makeup and costume, which is so telltale that you can figure out its identity the moment it appears on the stage.

One major characteristic of Peking Opera is the color painted on the face of a character. It is vital to the understanding of a play. Put in simple terms, red is appreciative, standing for loyalty and valor; black represents a neutral role, representing vigor and wisdom. Blue and green represent neutral character of rebellious heroes. Yellow and white both suggest cunning, negative characters. And gold and silver represent mystic or super-natural power.





China and Russia are the two representative countries in the orient and occident. Both of them attach much attention to protecting and popularizing their national cultures, call for the dialogue between different civilizations and the exchange of different cultures, and advocate maintaining their national cultural traits while defending and promoting the diversity of cultures in the world. The cultural tie plays a unique role in the Sino-Russian relations, so it is a concern of the leaders of both countries and a hallmark of their relation.

It is a multi-level and comprehensive cooperation. The cultural exchange is a process of learning and meriting from each other. To hold the Culture Year is, as a matter of fact, to meet the needs of the development of China’s own culture.
