Kaley Cuoco, star of the hit TV show "The Big Bang Theory" and a life-long animal lover, was inspired by a painful accident to make beautiful music for homeless animals.

During her long hospital stay, Kaley's boyfriend, Christopher French of the band Annie Automatic, stayed by her side and played his guitar for her.
她在医院恢复期间,凯利的男友,Annie Automatic乐队的克里斯多夫·弗兰彻一直陪在她身边,还弹吉他给她听。

Seeking some distraction from the pain, she asked him to play something she could sing to. He strummed a playful version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”
为了让自己的注意力不放在腿部的疼痛上,她要求男友弹几首她能唱的歌。于是他就弹奏了一个幽默版的“Somewhere Over the Rainbow。”

Soon they were laughing, and as they played various versions and traded choruses, it seemed as if the music was helping her overcome her discomfort.

And so, Kaley and Christopher decided to record the song in support of the The HSUS and their works for animals.

After Kaley was released from the hospital, they recorded their version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"in their living room instead of a studio, so Kaley wouldn't need to leave the house.
在凯利出院之后,他们选择在起居室而不是录音室来录制这首他们自制版的“Somewhere Over the Rainbow”,这样凯利就不用大费周章的出门录歌了。