The amazing observation comes from Twitter user @SamuraiKnitter, who suspects that the Queen may have actually trolled Trump on not one, but three occasions—each through the perfectly understated and royal means of a brooch. For anyone who doesn't know, the Queen's brooches are kind of a big deal and are often significant.

For day one of the visit (when she didn't actually meet with Trump), Queen Elizabeth wore a brooch given to her as a personal gift of friendship by former President and First Lady, Barack and Michelle Obama, which they literally purchased with their own money. It's like when your friend dumps a great guy for an awful one, and you "accidentally" call the new one by the ex's name.

The next day, when she met with Trump for tea, Her Majesty swapped that one out for another brooch originally handed down by her mother, who famously wore it to her father's state funeral.

Honestly, choosing a funeral brooch for meeting with Trump is such a MOOD.

And the third brooch on Day Three was another special gift given to the Queen, this time from Canada—Britain's commonwealth country and ally, but not exactly Trump's number one pal. (She didn't meet with Trump on that day either, but he remained in the United Kingdom.)
