1. as luck would have it


as luck would have it和by chance意思差不多,表示“碰巧”,前者更多译为“幸好”。

We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a garage.

2. butterflies

这里菲尔想说自己有点紧张,他用到了butterfly,是因为有个习语是have butterflies (in your stomach),通常指对将要做的事感到非常紧张,觉得很心慌。

I had terrible butterflies before I gave that talk in Venice.

表示“紧张”还可以用nervous;keyed up:;jittery等等这些词。

3. hit it off


hit it off的意思是“(与某人)相处得好,合得来”。

Jake and Sue hit it off immediately.

4. grateful 

You should know that every day, I wake up very grateful to have you in my life.

因某事而对某人感激就是be grateful to sb for sth。

She was grateful to him for being so good to her.

5. pick up the tab


tab通常是标签,这里指的是帐单,pick up the tab在美国口语里表示“承担…的费用;为众人付账”。