

How would this be pronounced? I'm not sure if I'm saying it correctly.


Fascinating resemblance to a buzzword used by German youth.


Yup, indeed, a strange coincidence that there's a German slang word with the same meaning and almost the same spelling: Geil (pronounced 'guy-el.')

Originally, that word meant "fertile" (but that's obsolete now), later it was used in the meaning of "horny" (still is used in that way), and since about 30 years, people will most often use it as a synonym for "cool," "awesome" or "exciting." Really a strange coincidence. Or have the Chinese copied the German word? I'm very sure it wasn't the other way round!

Btw, even "geili" can be used in German, and people will understand it. I'm sure I've heard that variant here before.
顺便说下,“geili” 在德语也能用,德国人也听得懂,我确定我在这听过这个变体。


The correct tones for pronouncing it are 3 and 4: gei3-li4. The third tone sort of starts at middle voice then drops to low voice then goes back up to middle voice (like in "whoa") while the fourth tone starts high and quickly drops to low (as in giving a command).

Also, gei is pronounced like "gay" and li like "leee".
还有,“给”的发音跟英语的 “gay” 很像,“力”的发音像英语的“leee”。

Therefore, putting these things together, it would sound something like "gaaay-lee".
所以,这俩放一起,发音有点像英语的 “gaaay-lee” 。


Actually, geili is written as 给力; it's nothing close to "geil". It pronouced /'gei 'li:/. much more like "gay lee".
其实geili 写成“给力”,跟“geil”一点都不像啦,发音是 /'gei 'li:/,跟“gay lee”挺像的。