不知道大家是否看过大卫•芬奇(David Fincher)导演的电影社交网络(The social network), 它围绕Mark Zuckerberg创建facebook的过程以及其间发生的经济纠纷.那么下面就来看看在轻松享受电影之余,我们还能学到些什么?

本电影的主角Mark Zuckerberg是哈佛的学生,那么提到哈佛我们除了会想到它是常春藤联盟(Ivy league)之一,还会想到什么呢?没错,就是神秘得不能在神秘的兄弟会——fraternity. Fraternity作为社交网络的一种在美国很多大学都存在。

为了进入fraternity,很多同学都绞尽脑汁。电影中创始人之一的Eduardo Saverin曾经就有机会可以进去。我们可以说fraternity是一种inner ring。何谓inner ring?简单来讲,一个inner ring就是一个社交小圈子。 还有一种社交网络的说法是old boy network,不过比较老式,一般是指从学生时代积累起来的人脉。

更多有关inner ring的话题,大家可以参考Clive Staples Lewis的一篇文章,名为The Inner Ring。在这里我将截取其中一小段来供大家欣赏,有兴趣的同学亦可翻译:

Badly as I may have described it, I hope you will all have recognized the thing I am describing. Not, of course, that you have been in the Russian Army or perhaps in any army. But you have met the phenomenon of an Inner Ring. You discovered one in your house at school before the end of the first term. And when you had climbed up to somewhere near it by the end of your second year, perhaps you discovered that within the Ring there was a Ring yet more inner, which in its turn was the fringe of the great school Ring to which the house Rings were only satellites. It is even possible that the school Ring was almost in touch with a Masters’ Ring. You were beginning, in fact, to pierce through the skins of the onion.



这里的比喻非常形象喔~一层一层的inner ring就像洋葱一样,你永远想当核心的那一个...可惜路漫漫其修远!

我们现在用的比较多的social network有哪些呢?当然比较类似facebook的就是人人网,此处就不逐一列举啦~

电影中,Zuckerberg处理人际关系的方式似乎并不高明,一边看的时候不禁一边想,千万不要当一个高IQ (Intelligence Quotient)低EQ (Emotional Quotient)的人,会让自己和身边的人都难过的T_T 但要注意的是,千万不要在网络上和以前的朋友打个招呼就完事了哦!再发达的社交网站与即时通讯工具(instant messager)都无法取代和朋友找个地方小叙呢!