在“听”过程中,由于段落填空多处于讲座或演讲中,而演讲者语言特征是通常用一些special signal words考生要注意掌握试题的节奏,通过特殊信号词来把握原文的脉络,将这些常见信号词总结为:

并列关系:and, also, too, not only…but also…

递进关系:then, in addition, moreover, furthermore

转折关系:however, but, while, whereas

因果关系:because, so, as, cause

强调关系:particularly, do, have to




范例原文:The research indicates that at present for women it takes a crisis to make them think about their future financial situation. But of course this is the very worst time for anyone to make any important decisions.

范例剖析: 此题答案为crisis

题干句子和原文结构发生了较大的变化,题干中的women only think about their financial future when a……. 在原文中出现的是……at present for women it takes a crisis to make them think about their future financial situation……


{温馨提示}: 建议考生,为更好地把握住这种题型,在平时的学习中要熟悉听力题目中常见的容易出现关键词后置的结构;此外,勤能补拙,平时的听写练习还有由此而来的短时记忆能力的提高都是对付这种题型的不二途径。


范例原文:Women today need to look ahead, think ahead, not wait until they’re under pressure. Even women in their early twenties, need to think about pensions for example.


37题和36题在出题角度上相似,但是相对简单,因为题干中通过in their ………..,可以猜测需要填的是数字,和年龄相关,in one’s ……..,一般我们常见的有in one’s teens, in one’s twenties, in one’s thirties等。
