
He and she are workers. Their salary is not high, but it is enough to live. The husband is very common but his wife is beautiful and clever.


Because they both have spare time, they go out to see movies, go to the park or go out for dinner every month. As long as his wife is happy and the conditions permit, he never says "no" to her, as if he never has his own ideas. Once they went out to dinner, the wife let her husband choose dishes but her husband said "order what you love." The wife was a little angry, "You do not have any idea! You are a bit useless!" The husband was shocked and he sighed "I'm just an ordinary worker and can not give you a spacious house and a beautiful car. So I just want to give you the best in the range of 'can'".

因为彼此都很有时间,他们每个月或是出去看场电影,或是去逛逛公园,间或出去吃顿晚餐。只要妻子高兴,只要条件允许,丈夫从来不对妻子说“不”,好像从来就没有自己的想法。一次,他们出去吃晚饭,妻子让丈夫点菜,丈夫说:“点你爱吃的。” 妻子有点儿生气:“你就没一点自己的主见!是不是有点窝囊!” 丈夫楞了,叹了口气:“我只是一个普通的工人,不能给你宽敞的住房和漂亮汽车,我只想在自己‘能’的范围内,给你最好的。”
