
1.Daunt:v. 使胆怯,使畏缩

eg: She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.(她是一个勇敢的女人, 但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。)

2.Deadlock:n. 僵局,相持不下

eg:The negotiations reached a deadlock after two hours.(两小时后, 谈判陷入了僵局。)

3.Debacle:n. 崩溃,失败

eg: They lost 10 to 0 in the championship game, so the coach figured the right thing to do was to resign after such a debacle.(他们在冠军杯中以10比0大败,所以教练表示他在这场失利后应该辞职。)

4.Debris:n. 残骸,废墟,破瓦残砾

5.Decease:v. 死,亡故

6.Decency:n. 1.合宜,得体2.宽容3.正派,合乎礼仪4.礼貌,行为


eg: Disease decimated the population.(疾病使大批人死亡。)

8.Declaim:v. 高声朗诵,慷慨陈词

9.Decompose:v. 1.使腐烂2.分解

eg: Most animals decompose very quickly after death.(大多数动物死后很快腐烂。)

10.Decoy:v. 用诱饵诱骗,使落入圈套

More than ten missiles were decoyed away from targets.(十多枚导弹受骗未命中目标。)
