
中东又生事, 巴以冤家估计又要短兵相接了

新式救生"胶囊"诞生, 它能为智利被困矿工带来生的希望

美国中部突发水灾, 幸好没有人员伤亡

小小检测器将有大作为, 新式仪器能帮助医生快速判断脑震荡病情

健康与美味, 哪个更吸引人? 每个人心中都有自己的答案

狗狗也过上了环保低碳的生活, 现如今狗狗的排泄物也可以进一步利用了

(CNN Student News) -- Sep 27, 2010

CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: To our viewers from America to Argentina, Japan and Germany to South Korea and Hong Kong -- Welcome to CNN Student News! I'm Carl Azuz and we thank you for taking 10 minutes to watch today's show!

First Up: Middle East Tension

AZUZ: First up, it's been 10 months since Israel put a stop to building houses in settlements in the West Bank. 10 months was how long that stop in construction was supposed to last. And last night, the rule was scheduled to change back -- meaning Israelis could resume building the settlements. Here's why that’s important. Palestinians don't want Israel to build in the West Bank. The Palestinians see the West Bank as their own land. Many Israelis believe they have a right to build there. Here, you can see some Israelis breaking ground in a ceremony -- a way of celebrating a construction startup. This issue of West Bank settlements is a major sticking point between Palestinians and Israelis. The United States is trying to get them to come together to discuss peace in the Middle East -- an end to decades of conflict. But the Palestinians have said that if the Israelis resume building settlements, that may prompt Palestinians to leave the peace talks. An Israeli spokesman says the peace talks should continue regardless of what goes on with the settlements.

Rescue Capsule

AZUZ: Well, what you see at the end of this crane may look like a space capsule, or a rocket. To 33 trapped Chilean miners, it could mean freedom. This is the cage set to pull the miners who are stuck 2,300 feet underground, back up to the surface. It arrived at the site of the collapsed mine yesterday. And before it can be used, officials need to drill a hole wide enough for the capsule to travel to the miners, and then haul them out. They're hoping to have that done by early November. As of right now, the miners have set a record for the most time anyone has survived in a mine: More than 50 days and counting.

Sound Check

Midwest Flooding

AZUZ: We thought a sound check on that was the best way for you to get a sense of just how powerful the Midwest floodwaters were -- by hearing them. It started the same way many floods do, with too much rain. That caused rivers to swell and overflow their banks and then things like this started happening. Major bridges washed away. Roads blocked by water. The three states hit hardest were Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin . States of emergency were called -- residents evacuated from several towns. In fact, one town named Minnesota Lake actually became a lake after 11 inches of rain fell there. We're glad to say we haven't gotten any reports of deaths from this. But the Wisconsin River could reach its highest level since 1973.

Smart Guard

AZUZ: We talked to you last week about concussions in sports, how officials are looking at ways to better respond to these and keep a closer eye on the athletes who take the shots. One way we found for today's show: The smart “mouth guard”. It's not something that can take the power out of a hit, but it can give coaches and doctors a better idea of just how powerful, a hit was. Here's Ohio News Network's Chris Severance.


CRISTIN SEVERANCE, NEWS REPORTER: Getting hit is a casualty of every football game from professional to pee wee. But researchers say there is no scientific way to tell when a hit is hard enough to pull a player out of the game.

ADAM BARTSCH, GRADUATE ASSISTANT, CLEVELAND CLINIC CENTER FOR SPINE HEALTH: It’s up to the caregiver's direction to determine if somebody is out for one minute, one day, one week or one year.

SEVERANCE: Graduate Assistant Adam Bartsch is working on a more concrete way to detect concussions from the sidelines. He is part of a team at the Cleveland Clinic developing the "intelligent mouth guard".

BARTSCH: So this would be the first prototype.

SEVERANCE: He says the prototype will soon look like a regular mouth guard. Using tiny sensors and bluetooth technology, the mouth guard will send information from the playing field to a nearby computer. A doctor could then read the data after a player is hit. Tests are underway.

LARS GILBERTSON, DIRECTOR SPINE RESEARCH LABORATORY, CLEVELAND CLINIC CENTER FOR SPINE HEALTH: We have really excellent equipment, robotics-based equipment which enables us to perform dynamic tests of the head and neck.

SEVERANCE: Once testing is moved from the lab to the field, Dr. Lars Gilbertson says the data won't just measure hits, it could show them if better equipment is needed on the field or even rule changes to protect athletes.



CNN STUDENT NEWS: Time for the Shoutout! Peaches, cucumbers, and potatoes are ALL examples of what? If you think you know it, then shout it out! Is it: A) Fruit, B) Vegetable, C) Produce, or D) Starch? You've got three seconds-- GO! These are all forms of produce -- agricultural foods! That's your answer and that's your Shoutout!

Student Choices

AZUZ: Fresh produce is generally considered healthy for us like you have heard many times before. Like parents are always telling you, and me, we don't get enough fresh produce in our diets. Could you find more of it in school lunches? You can in parts of Atlanta. I went to Grady High School last week in search of what's being offered in the way of fresh produce and why students don't always make the healthy choice.


AZUZ: If you were to ask students, you know, by and large, at the middle school level, at the high school level, whether they would choose a grilled chicken salad or fried chicken tenders, what would most of them say?

STUDENTS: Fried chicken tenders.

AZUZ: OK, why is that?

Student 1: I think, I think mostly because when you are a child, I guess you are raised on the fried chicken tender and it's like the crunch in your mouth and the grease...

Student 2 : Most people may eat that every night. And that’s what they know, that's what they love, that's what they’re raised on.

DR. MARTIN HUGHES, DIR. OF NUTRITION SERVICES, ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLS: These students have fresh fruit, fresh vegetable choices daily. I believe that offering items such as your vegetables, carrot sticks and sliced cucumbers and those items to young children and as they progress and want after-school snacks, then they become items that children will naturally want.

ANNA FULLER, GRADY HIGH SCHOOL: I used to be overweight. I recently lost that weight through better eating.

KOYA SIEBIE, GRADY HIGH SCHOOL: Like when you don't eat a healthy meal, you're tired all the time, and you lose a lot of energy. But when you do eat a healthy meal, it's like -- oh, I have this type of energy that's like the best energy ever because I ate that healthy meal.

HUGHES: Well, healthier choices is part of the education that starts in our classroom. We toy with how to meet the nutritional needs of the student but yet bring the healthiest and best food items. And to that end, we've been able to meet that particular mark by looking at our locally grown produce, they don't have to travel as far, so we can get a better price. .

AZUZ: And let's say you have a friend and you see that person constantly choosing unhealthy foods, how do you even encourage that person to change his ways?

Student 1: Just eat less calories and make sure you know what’s in the food.

Student 3 : I would say you probably need to watch your food intake, like fried foods or whatever it is. They need to try to, like balance their nutrition plus their indulgences.

Student 2 : I don't want to say they don't care about their life, but they don't really care how they're affected by what they eat and they don't know what they're eating.


Blog Promo

AZUZ: I could use your help on the next subject I'm covering. We're taking a look at the issue of bullying in America's schools. And I wanna know what you think the worst form of bullying is: Physical, verbal, or online, cyber bullying? Stop by , click on our blog, and tell us your thoughts about this today.

Puppy Power

AZUZ: Well, you'll get a charge out of this. A lot of you have to clean up after your dogs -- whether it's at the dog park, or on a sidewalk maybe. At this park in Massachusetts, there's a machine that takes dog waste and uses it to power the lantern, that lights the place! It's called the "park spark." It mixes the waste with water. And the methane that results from that is used as a source of power. So it's essentially a dog park, powered by dogs!

Before We Go

AZUZ: Well, it's just too bad the world's biggest dodgeball game couldn't be played there. No, that took up a much bigger space at a university in California last week. 1,725 players pitched pandemonium and set a new Guinness World Record for this sport! Is dodgeball a sport? It's something they make you play in grade school and something they apparently wanted to play at this university.


AZUZ: They might've just been trying to dodge having to study for a while, you know, throw caution to the wind and take some time to have a ball. I'm Carl Azuz, and I'm out! Catch CNN Student News again tomorrow, on HLN, online, or on iTunes!
