

Food Item Sequence Affects Estimates of Calorie Content

Dieters may try to estimate a meal’s calorie count. Now a study by Northwestern University’s Alexander Chernev finds that Even the order in which food is presented—and whether the food is thought of as a vice or a virtue—affects how many calories we think it has. The work will be published in 2011 in the Journal of Consumer Research. [Zl9tR]


Study subjects were shown a cheese-steak first, which they guessed had on average 578 calories. Or they saw a virtuous fruit salad first, which they guessed was 311 calories. After which they estimated the same cheese-steak as having 787 calories.


But when first shown the vice of a slice of chocolate cake, which they guessed had 416 calories, subjects estimated that the same cheese-steak wasn’t much worse of a vice, at only 489 calories. So estimates of the cheese-steak calorie content went up when it followed fruit salad, but went down when subjects first considered a slice of cake.

要是先来一道甜品 ——一小块巧克力蛋糕,实验对象估计其热量约为416卡路里,他们会觉得一份奶酪牛排的热量不会比这道甜品多多少,于是估算出来牛排的热量只有489卡路里。综上所述,在水果沙拉之后上牛排,其估算热量值就会飙升;但在蛋糕之后上牛排,其估算热量值就降低了。

An absurd outcome of this was that subjects estimated a cheesesteak and cake combo as having fewer calories than a fruit salad-cheesesteak one. So remember, when you’re counting calories, you really can’t rely on gut feelings.


