New tests may provide fertility 'deadline.' A test developed by Iranian researchers could let women, even in their 20s, predict within a few months when they will stop being fertile. The test measures levels of a hormone produced in the ovaries that controls development of egg cells. Of 63 women who reached menopause during the study, the average difference between the predicted age and the actual age the women reached menopause was just a third of a year, according to one report. 'The results from our study could enable us to make a more realistic assessment of women's reproductive status many years before they reach menopause,' the lead researcher said in a news release. Meanwhile, another new test, described here, claims to predict when a women's ovaries will start to fail. Would you want to know any fertility issues in advance, in order to help make family-planning decisions? Or does that creep you out?


Delaying kids may pay off financially. A new study found that delaying kids may prevent a financial 'motherhood penalty,' the pay gap between childless women and working moms. Researchers reviewed 35 years of data from some 2,200 women and found that women who had kids in their early- to mid-20s or even younger didn't fare as well economically as those who delayed, USA Today reported. The research found women who got more education and job training before having children end up as successful economically as women who didn't have kids.

推迟要宝宝也许能换来经济上的回报。《今日美国》(USA Today)报道,一项新的研究发现,推迟要孩子或许能避免“为人母的经济惩罚”,也就是做了母亲的上班族与无子女女性上班族与之间的收入差距。研究者在研究了约2,200名女性35年的数据后发现,在二十五六岁或是二十岁出头甚至更年轻的时候有了孩子的女性,她们的经济收入不如那些晚育女性。该研究还发现,在生育前接受了更多教育和职业培训的女性,她们最终的经济状况不亚于那些没有生育过的女性。

More women in their 40s childless. Nearly one in five American women in her early 40s is childless, according to a Pew study, a large increase from years past. The trend was much less common in the 1970s, when one in 10 women did not have children by 40 to 44, the age bracket researchers use to designate the end of childbearing years, the Washington Post reported. The report cites social and cultural shifts behind the change, including less pressure to have children, better contraceptive measures and expanded job opportunities for women, said the Post.

越来越多四十多岁的女性没有孩子。《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)报道,据皮尤中心(Pew)的一项研究,40至44岁的美国女性中有近五分之一没有子女,这一比例较前几年有大幅上升。这种情况在上世纪七十年代要少见得多,当时40至44岁的女性中只有十分之一没有孩子。研究者认为40至44岁这一年龄段是多数女性生育能力的终结时期。报道提到了这一变化背后所蕴含的社会和文化转变,包括必须生小孩的压力减小、避孕措施更加完备以及女性就业机会的增加。