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Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac. They are charming, easy going, and willing to suppress their own needs and opinions in order to preserve good relations. Libras avoid conflict at all costs, and would rather give in than have an unnecessary argument (or in some cases, a necessary one).


Libras are reasonable, nonjudgmental and able to see both sides of an issue. As a result, they are often asked to intervene in disagreements between friends, family members and coworkers. Arguments make Libras miserable. They crave peace and much of their lives are spent in the pursuit of harmony.

Logical and Idealistic

Libras tend to be thoughtful, and also require much food for thought. This is a sign with a high need for intellectual stimulation, and most Libras do a lot of reading. A combination of logic, rationality and idealism causes many Libras to be politically minded as well. Libras tend to process things intellectually rather than emotionally unless the ascendant falls in a water sign.