

Tiger Tallies were separated into two pieces, one held by the emperor, the other given to a military commander as a symbol of imperial authority and ability to command troops.

这里的tiger tally就是“虎符”,tally是什么意思呢?其实tally最常见的意思,是指比赛中的“计分”:

As promised, we will share the bridge game tally sheet with you in three days.

话说“计分”和兵符有嘛关系?其实这里牵涉到tally的另一个含义:be compatible, similar or consistent,意即“符合” ,例如:The two stories do not tally. 这两种说法不一致。这不就正好是“虎符”的意义么?汉语中的“符合”一词,其实也是由虎符而来的。
