
Sun is reflecting in her beautiful eyes,

memories of this makes my stomach have butterflies.

So, can you compare her with an old bottle of Italian red wine?

That is not possible, she makes a whole world shine.


这里第二句里的make my stomach have butterflies是什么意思呢?为什么肚子里要有蝴蝶?其实这是出于一句英语中的固定说法:have butterflies in one's stomach,意为“忐忑不安、紧张”,有点像中文里说的“七上八下”。

在这句诗里,memories of this makes my stomach have butterflies,翻译成“心里七上八下”就有些不符合诗的意味了,我们可以借用中文里的一个成语来表达,即“心如鹿撞”,那么前两句的意思我们就理解了,是说“她美目流转,熠熠生辉,每念及此,即令我心头鹿撞”。
