


Brainy: This  is  great. Pretty  smurfy, if  I  do  say  so  myself. Yeah.

Clumsy: Come  on, Elway, right  over  here.

Grouchy: Oh, my  goodness.

Clumsy: Blue  thumbs.

Grace: This  is  unbelievable.

Grouchy: I  think  there’s  too  much  pink.

Brainy: Just  because  your  name  is. Doesn’t  mean  you  always  have  to  be  Grouchy.

Grouchy: Yeah. It  does.

Grace: Smurfette.

Smurrfette: Hi.

Grace: High  five, high  four.

Smurrfette: High  four.

Papa: Great  mews. The  stars  have  revealed  a  prefect  time  to  smurf  the  blue  moon. It  has  to  be  done  tonight, between  first  star  and  high  moon. That’s  our  only  chance. But  we’ll  need  a  magic  spell  that  works  in  this  realm  to  open  the  portal  home. Master  Winslow, a  question, please.

Winslow: Yeah, sure.

Papa: Is  there  a  place  that  sells  spells.

Winslow: No.

Papa: Is  there  a  place  that  proffers  potions?

Winslow: Yeah, no.

Papa: How  about  old  books?

Winslow: Wait, there’s  an  antique  book  shop  right  near  where  I  work.

Grace: Yes. Dr.Wangs.

Papa: Prefect, that’ll  do.

Smurrfette: Here  that  boys? We’re  almost  home. Oh, I  love  you  guys?

Papa: Bring  it  in, big  fella.

Winslow: I  wouldn’t.

Papa: Come  on, we  know  you  want  to.

Grace: Yes.

Papa: Yeah, come  on, Patrick, if  I  can do  it, you  can  do  it.

Smurrfette: Smurf  hug. We’re  goin’  him!

Winslow: Hey  there. Hey, get  up  there.
