This is AP News Minute.

A sightseeing boat carrying 37 people was hit by a barge and overturned Wednesday afternoon, spilling passengers into the Delaware River. Rescue crews aided by the Coast Guard set off a frantic search for two people who were unaccounted for.

And indictment charging 11 people with conspiracy to act as secret agents for Russia was returned to New York Wednesday. In the meantime, rumors of plan to exchange some of the secret agents arrested last week for spies who are already in the U.S. prisons also emerged. U.S. and Russia officials have refused to comment.

Authorities in Missouri say they have some good leads in their search for a kidnapper. Alisa Meier was snatched from her front yard Monday evening. She was found safe more than 24 hours later at a car wash about 70 miles away from her home.

And in Washington, zoo keepers use fruitsicles to help a couple of giant pandas cope with 100 degree heat. A smidgen of crowds snap pictures as the pandas chop down on their frozen treats.

Ross Simpson, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.

