'Chuck' exclusive: Nicole Richie returns to kick some [naughty word]!


I’m not the world’s biggest Nicole Richie fan. So it’s with great excitement that I report (exclusively!) that the sometime-actress will reprise her role as Sarah’s high school nemesis this fall!


According to a Chuck insider, Richie will resurface in October when a prison transfer goes awry and her character, Heather Chandler, ends up being stowed away at Castle (a.k.a. the underground CIA base). But here’s where things get really interesting: I’m told her arrival dovetails with some serious bumps in Chuck and Sarah’s deepening relationship. And you better believe that Ms. Heather will use that rift to her advantage.

根据我的第一手资料,妮可里奇将在十月播出的一集中露面。剧情大概是这样的:一次转狱出了问题,妮可所扮演的角色Heather Chandler只能被暂时藏在地堡(就是酸奶店下面那个,想起来没?)中。而这才是高潮所在:她在地堡中一点都没闲着。给关系愈加密切的Chuck和Sarah造成了不小的麻烦。而且相信我,我们的这位蛇蝎小姐会无所不用其极的利用制造出的二人关系裂痕来设法达到她的目的...
