沪江英乐讯   音乐剧Rent,吉屋出租,讲述了一群穷困的艺术家和音乐家的生活,在艾滋病的阴影下挣扎努力生存。《吉屋出租》堪称全美百老汇音乐界上世纪90年代的辉煌传奇,在音乐素材上打破了传统百老汇剧场模式,涵盖了丰富的音乐类型与元素,从狂放不羁的怀旧摇滚到抒情的民谣小品、从强而有力的节奏蓝调到空灵的福音音乐、甚至是火热的探戈舞曲一应俱全,《吉屋出租》也是百老汇音乐剧中,率先把同性恋、双性恋及跨性别等议题搬上舞台的。 这首One Song Glory是剧中身患艾滋病并挣扎要戒毒的音乐家Roger所唱。

Rent Soundtrack
Song:One Song Glory

One song glory
One song before I go
Glory one song to leave behind
Find one song
One last refrain
Glory from the pretty boy front man
Who wasted opportunity
One song
He had the world at his feet
Glory in the eyes of a young girl
A young girl
Glory beyond the cheap colored lights
One song
Before the sun sets
Glory on another empty life
Time flies, time dies
One blaze of glory
One blaze of glory
Glory in a song that rings true
Truth like a blazing fire
An eternal flame
Find one song
A song about love
Glory from the soul of a young man
A young man
Find the one song
Before the virus takes hold
Glory like the sunset
One song to redeem this empty life
Time flies
Time dies

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