
They sound alike, look alike and share equally privileged backgrounds. So it is no surprise that voters are finding David Cameron and Nick Clegg increasingly difficult to tell apart.


After the two men joked and strolled across the No 10 Downing Street lawn last week, they have became Britain's hottest new double act - dubbed ' Cleggeron'.


And now this remarkable picture montage shows just how readily the Tory Prime Minister and his Liberal Democrat deputy morph into one.


Members of the public were shown the photograph in the centre, combining the features of both men, and asked who it was.


Katrina Chapman, 45, from Kennington, South London, identified the photograph as 'definitely' David Cameron.

45岁的Katrina Chapman认为“这一定是卡梅伦”。

When told it was a combination of him and Nick Clegg, she said: 'It still looks more like Cameron, but then they are pretty similar aren't they?'


"They've both got the same background, they wear the same suits, they've got the same wives, they both look clean-cut and happy and both have their nice big houses. What's the difference?"



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