we're about to come head to head with the woman who tried to kill both of us.
head to head 面对面的较量

I'm just checkin' in.
check in 核对,证实

Because I don't want you to get your hopes up. This is far from a slam dunk. 
get hope up 抱有希望
slam dunk 十拿九稳

Spare us the dramatic flourishes, Ms. Julian.
spare sb. sth. 省省某事吧

Oh, you mean because this case is a career killer? I'm cute. I can always find a job.

I'll give you that one. 

- So, how's your girlfriend holding up? 
- She's fine. She's not my girlfriend.  
- Oh, so those little looks between you...?  
- Nothing.  
- Right. I hope you're more believable on the stand. 
hold up 支撑
on the stand 在听证席上


I'm barely keeping it together here, Ang. 
keep together 保持冷静,不崩溃

You hope. 
you hope 你想的美

Hands off! 
hands off 不要动手
所以商场什么地方那些do not touch的标牌还是换成hands off更合适。

She's going to see the judge tomorrow morning at 10:00, and then we can dive in on all this. 
dive in 潜心做某事
