
10. 更多套新奇装备

More suits than you can shake a stick at

Whiplash's apparatus, Iron Man's traveling suit, War Machine's armor, Hammer's robots, the silver demo suit, Iron Man's armor and Iron Man's new armor?  Wowzers. And those are the suits we just know about.


9. 性感滴俄罗斯间谍

Russian spies

Only the Black Widow could bring a tiger print back and make it work like it's 2002.


8. 超级英雄吃点啥
《钢铁侠2》最大的意外是嘛?Tony Stark吃的是甜甜圈……太囧了。

Super hero diets

"Iron Man 2" biggest surprise? The Tony Stark doughnut diet - it works!


7. 独立影人熬出头
向来出演独立电影的Sam Rockwell终于演了一大角,大反派哦。05年《银河系漫游指南》之后就没怎么见他了哇。

Sam Rockwell gets a paycheck

Indie icon Sam Rockwell, aka Tony Stark's nemesis Justin Hammer, probably hasn't gotten a nice paycheck since "Hitchhiker's Guide" in 2005.  Ya gotta be happy the guy could star in "Iron Man 2 " and get a significant salary at the same time.


6. 美女助理继续出演

Gwyneth Paltrow blesses us with her presence

The Oscar-winner rarely works these days.  We're so glad she's contractually, er, took the time to step away from her blog and appease her fans by starring as Pepper Pots in "Iron Man 2."


5. 花花公子本性不改
看小罗伯特·唐尼那张油嘴滑舌的脸就晓得,Tony Stark依然还是个花花公子的德行。

Hugh Hefner's legacy will live on
Tony Stark may be fictional, but as long as Robert Downey, Jr. is playing him the playboy won't lose his mojo. (And at least it's not a front like a certain Gotham City crime fighter).


4. 大换血
Samuel L. Jackson确实弱了一点,换成Nick Fury就好了吧?

Nick Fury
Samuel L. Jackson isn't relegated to the end credits anymore.  Aren't you excited?


3. 美国人玩拳击就好

Boxing is the new Kung Fu
Tony Stark brings boxing back to Iron Man's fighting repertoire.


2. 这圣衣可是真家伙!

The suit is real. We know it.

Look at that detail.  How can that be a costume? We want one delivered to our homes.  It's the new iPad!


1. 米奇·洛基!摔跤王版的大反派!

Mickey Rourke as Whiplash

After Ledger's Joker and Nicholson's Joker, possibly the coolest movie super-villain ever (we hope).