Simon Cowell has revealed he is ready to quit Britain's Got Talent - admitting that 'something has to give' in his busy life.

Simon Cowell说他想离开英国达人的评审席,理由是自己太忙了。

However, a quick look at some of the more bizarre and bewildering acts in this series provides another motive for why Cowell might want to step back from the show.


Acts include a quartet of male balloon dancers, a parrot who eats mashed potato and man known simply as The Burper.

这些不靠谱的表演中包括裸体气球舞男,吃土豆泥的鹦鹉和一个名叫The Burper的不知所谓的男人。

After watching one act, by Penguin Lady - who inflates rubber gloves with the aid of a hosepipe and a penguin puppet, Cowell says: 'What the hell? I'm not going to be back next year. I'm not kidding. I can't do this anymore.'


Thankfully, the talent wasn't all bad. Simon has his eye on Tina & Chandi - a dancing dog double act.

还好还好,英国达人不至于烂成那样。 Cowell还是发现了一个蛮有潜力的选手:Tina和她的狗狗Chandi组成的舞蹈组合。

Simon said pirouetting pooch Chandi had a big future, adding: 'Chandi is my favourite. She is one of the best dancing dogs I've ever seen. She does ballet.'


