


Williams Syndrome Kids Show No Racial Bias

People start stereotyping early. Even toddlers react positively to members of their own race, but often distrust those from different groups. The seeds of racism are planted in most everyone. Everyone, that is, except people with a rare genetic condition called Williams syndrome.


Williams syndrome is marked by heart defects, mental retardation, and a lack of social anxiety that produces exceedingly friendly human beings. And a new study published in the journal Current Biology finds that children with Williams syndrome don’t make racial stereotypes. [See Andreia Santos, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg and Christine Deruelle, K0YSx]


Researchers re-did previous social-bias experiments on 20 children with Williams syndrome and 20 control kids. The children viewed pictures of people of assorted races and genders and assigned negative or positive storylines to each picture. True to form, the control group preferred their own race and gender. The children with Williams syndrome, however, had no racial preference—although they still discriminated by gender.

研究人员再一次在20名威廉斯综合症患儿身上进行了一次测试社交偏见的实验,并以另外20名正常儿童作为对照组。研究人员让孩子们看各种族、不同性别人的照片,并让他们给每张照片上的人编一段故事。对照组的孩子们一如既往地偏 爱和自己同一种族、同一性别的人,而威廉斯综合症患儿尽管仍有性别偏好,但却没有种族偏好。

The results imply a nuanced neural mechanism to stereotyping, the further study of which “may suggest ways of reducing biased behavior towards vulnerable or marginalized groups.”

研究结果显示出微妙的神经机制对偏见的影响,对偏见的进一步研究“很有可能有助于减少对弱势、 边缘群体的偏激举动”。



