Orbis International, and its global team of volunteer eye care specialists, have brought their flying eye hospital to the coastal city of Dalian, in Liaoning province. The Orbis team will join with local doctors, providing operations for some needy patients. Reporter Ma Xu from Dalian TV tells us how volunteers play a vital role in the charity program.

On board the flying hospital are 10 volunteers from Canada, the US and the UK, making up a third of the medical staff. A Chinese Canadian volunteer says she learned about Orbis International as a medical student, and she wants to learn something from the other volunteer doctors, some of the best in their fields.

Dr. Cynthia Qian, Canadian Volunteer, said, "Our goal is to disseminate our knowledge and set up infrastructure where they can give and provide care, for anybody who needs eye care, bring the knowledge and accessibility to anyone who needs better vision for today and for the future."

A doctor from the US says it's his sixth volunteer mission for Orbis. He's also helped patients in Myanmar, Tanzania and South Africa. He's using his vacation time to come to China.

Dr. Bil Ragen, American Volunteer, said, "It's a fun thing to do. These patients have certain needs. We can provide service to them that are not available here, and it is just good thing to donate your time and energy."

Orbis International has a pool of over 450 volunteers around the world, all noted doctors in the fields. Every 2 years, they update their volunteer team. Full-time employees are responsible for planning and arrangements, and volunteers, for patient care, surgery and medical training. Volunteers can be reached online even when their mission on the flying hospital is finished.

Hunter Cherwek, Medical Director, Orbis International, said, "Volunteers are critical to Orbis international, we get some best volunteers in the world. It's all about networking, bring the best people in the world and China to work together."

Since 1982 when the flying eye hospital was set up in the US, the volunteer teams of Orbis International trained 124 thousand doctors in more than 80 countries. With up-to-date medical skills from volunteers, an increasing number of visually impaired people in underdeveloped areas will get timely treatment and be able to fulfill their dream.







国际奥比斯组织 (Project Orbis -- ORBIS) 是一个致力于为世界各国盲人和眼疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,它的宗旨是"使全球失明者重见光明"。


"奥比斯"(orbis) 在拉丁文中含有"地球、眼睛"的意思(另一说法是"眼睛地球仪")。这个组织的国际奥比斯眼科飞行医院是世界第一所飞机眼科医院。该院于1982年3月在美国休斯敦正式建立,它是由一架DC-8型飞机改装而成,内部设有预检室、检查室、微型手术室、护理室等手术设备,既可施行手术又可从事示范教学、并通过双向通讯设备,直接与示范医生进行问答。奥比斯组织总部设在纽约。在休斯敦、伦敦、加拿大和香港设有办事处,并配备了从美国及其他地区选出的一批拥有高级技术的医生、护士、工程师、机师、影视制作人员等为随机人员。自1982年成立以来,来自29个国家的600多位世界一流的眼科专家,先后访问了四大洲70多个国家和地区,使2万名眼疾患者在专机上进行手术治疗,使他们重见光明,并有3万多名各国眼科医生、护士参与了它的训练计划,使之成为推行防盲、治盲的骨干。作为一个不以牟利为目的的非政治性独立组织,它逐渐得到了许多国家和地区眼科同行的支持。至1991年,除美国外,现已有29个国家和地区的眼科专家参与这一活动,志愿为各国眼疾患者服务。它正在壮大为一个世界性的眼科集团。


