Artist:Jenny Owen Youngs
Song:Here Is A Heart

Here is a heart

Here is a heart

I made it for you so take it

Battered and braised

Grilled and sautéed

Just how you like it

You know I live to fill you up

Blood of my blood
Dripping with love
I'll bring you the thing


you need most
Silent between
supplies and machine
I'll hang in the corners like a ghost
You know I live to be seen through
No better way that I can see
to spend all the time
while you're asleep
When holding your hands inside of mine
I want to be here and nowhere else
Rationing off bits of myself
So I can crumble at your side

Sleep like the dead
through the noise in your head
My monitors click
and whir and glow
I'm with you all day
and also we would stay
Tomorrow and onward just this close
You know I live to keep you safe
No better way that I can see
to spend all the time while you're asleep
When holding your hands inside of mine
I want to be here and nowhere else
Rationing off bits of myself
So I can crumble at your side

I can't explain it but I have to try
If you evaporate the seas will rise
Til they devour the sky

Here is a heart
Here is a heart
I made it for you so take it
Battered and brazed
Grilled and sautéed
Just how you like it
No better way that I can see
to spend all the time while you're asleep
When holding your hands inside of mine
I want to be here
and nowhere else
Rationing off bits of myself
So I can crumble at your side

    生于1981年的Jenny Owen Youngs来自新泽西。小学时学习长笛,中学学习大号,14岁上她又开始接触吉他。

    在她的新专辑Transmitter Failure中,经纪人老友协助她完成了这张效果丰富的专辑的编曲。浓重的贝司,清新的电吉他,生机勃勃的键盘等等乐器竞相出现,甚至还有长笛和铝板琴,以及从百老汇歌剧中借鉴的弦乐。然后他们又来到布鲁克林,找了一大帮子人帮助完成了各种配乐,最终完成了她的第二张专辑。清新随意的嗓音,富有变化的配乐,这绝对是值得长期驻留耳畔的一砖。(文/kers)


