
冯曦妤,(Fiona Fung )是一名香港歌手兼作词人,以歌声清脆而著名。1999年,16岁的冯曦妤加入陈光荣的音乐室,开始参与电影的配乐以及和音演唱的幕后工作。 2007年,她决定由幕后转移至幕前,并于2008年加盟SONY BMG进军乐坛,以冯曦妤作为艺名。比较出名的作品有《再见警察》,《我在那一角落患过伤风》,《a little love 》,《阳光. 雨》等。

Love in your eyes
Sitting silent by my side
Going on
Holding hand
Walking through the nights

Hold me up
Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind


I can fly
I''m proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I''m proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky

Stars in the sky
Wishing once upon a time
Give me love
Make me smile
Till the end of life

Hold me up
Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind

I can fly
I''m proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I''m proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky

Can''t you believe that
you light up my way
No matter how that ease my path
I''ll never lose my faith
See me fly
I''m proud to fly up high
Show you the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I''m singing in the sky
Show you the best of mine
The heaven in the sky

Nothing can stop me
Spread my wings so wide


