Artist:Sondre Lerche
Song:Track You Down

Down came the sky
And all you did was blink
I would cry like I never do
In order to stay true
But everybody has their own opinion on such
They're all much alike alike alike
One hundred of a million is worth penning dead down
So why am I writing to the moon?


Down came the sky
to whack us to attack
While we cried in-between our cheeks
I was red and bleak
We often joke it's over but it's never enough
I take it you are afraid afraid
of everything I am and of some things I am not
A fear I share before I go to bed

When tears are pretzels pouring down each time the sweetness is returning
at times when you appreciate that you survived

Tricks tend to track you down
Even when you're high
It's the reason they made it all easier
You'll never know the hit
Tricks they track you down
Tricks they track you down

Down came the sky
And everything went black
I saw you, you saw me
And you were naked, which was weird
But in that space in time we played the strangers again
In oceans of oh I see I see
When my words lost their meaning on their way to your door
yours lost their way out of your

I don't want to want you to go
But I think you've left me without options
Things that you should know by now
That I never told

Tricks tend to track you down
Even when you're high
It's the reason they made it all easier
You'll never know the hit
Tricks they track you down
Tricks they track you down

    Sondre Lerche生长于挪威西南部的海港市卑尔根(Bergen),8岁开始吉他不离手,14岁就藏身俱乐部中非法驻唱,吸引了不少音乐制作人及经纪人青睐注意,17岁时已骄傲获得一只Virgin唱片的合约。随着单曲EP的陆续发行,Sondre Lerche早在首张正式专辑发行前就荣登了挪威葛莱美奖(Spellemannprisen)的“最佳新进艺人”宝座,更获邀成为英国民谣才女Beth Orten挪威演唱会上的特别演出嘉宾。2001年9月首张处女专辑Faces Down问世,旋即横扫欧陆版图越过大西洋攻克美加大陆。Faces Down旗开得胜地名列滚石音乐杂志(Rolling Stone)2002年“年度50大专辑”,全球乐评人均折服于Sondre Lerche精准、敏锐的流行旋律创作,真摰动人的民谣演唱,及天生拿手的吉他神技。