沪江英乐:Robbie Williams 携手 Lily Allen 现场献唱圣诞首单《Dream A Little Dream》。看着男女对唱,听着更加幸福啊。他们两个的配合天衣无缝,两人的气场都十分强大,他们一起合作,我们的耳朵有福咯。

Robbie Williams & Lily Allen 现场献唱《Dream A Little Dream》】


Yeah, stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you"
Birds singin' in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me, yes

Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me, yeah

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longin' to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this, yes

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me, yeah

Yes, stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longin' to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this, yes

Sweet dreams till sunbeam find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
Yes, dream a little dream of me