编辑点评:1984年出生美国的Priscilla Ahn,是个韩美混血美妞。作为独立民谣原创歌手,自2008年6月由发行专辑《A Good day》以来,她的才华开始受到广泛关注。她清澈的嗓音,出众的创作才华,以及清新脱俗的风格旋律是她的主打牌,特别与其它歌手不同,她的每一首歌曲都旋律动人,经典耐听,而才女之名由此而来,加上歌词充满想象力和抒情性,容易打动人心。《When You Grow Up 》这首MV更是带我们走进童趣的世界。

歌词部分:《When You Grow Up 》——Priscilla Ahn

When you were young enough
Doing all that fun kid stuff
Did you think of what you'd be

Marco polo in the pool
Kickball games behind the school
Playing tag and hide 'n seek

When you grow up
what kind of boy will you be
Oh what will you be

Drawing pictures with some chalk
Raindrops wash it from the walk
Summer days it never ends

Spin the bottle on the ground
Watch it turning round and round
Maybe he will be my friend

When you grow up
what kind of girl will you be
Oh what will you be

Will you write a book
or invent a machine
Will you be an astronaut
or will you sail the sea

When you grow up
what kind of person will you be

Oh the things you'll be happy