Kids React to viral videos, This Episode:My Moment
小孩如何看待热门视频, 这一集:我的时刻

Is that Rebecca?!  I hate you guys so much! Why would you do this? Oh, no! Seriously? Wasn't the first one bad enough? She sounds good. The return of the bad singer! OMG! She thinks she's so famous, she's like hi!Tell me when it's over.  This is the best part. Why?  Because its the ending. Who would like this? God, I hate her so much! God, I hate that song! God, I'm so annoyed!
这是丽贝卡?我恨你们! 我恨死你们了!你们为什么这样?哦不!不是吧!前面那首还不够烂吗?她唱得不错。烂歌手的归来!我的天!她以为自己很出名,还到处打招呼!完了告诉我。这个部分最好了!为什么?因为是结尾。谁会喜欢这个?我恨死她了!我恨这首歌!太讨人厌了!

Question time!

So did you recognize who that was? Rebecca black. It was Rebecca black, again. No! Did you remember when we show you that video? Was that song about Friday? Oh My Gosh! really? That's her?! That's so cute! Becoz she has bangs just like me.
你认识那是谁吗?丽贝卡·布莱克。是丽贝卡·布莱克,又出现了。你记得我们给你看的那个视频? 是关于《星期五》的那个!我的天!真的?刚才是她?很可爱!她的刘海跟我的一样。

What do you think of the song? Yea, it's a good song. I think it was good. I don't like it! It had no beat. It's almost even worse than friday. After that terrible abomination, she like oh well. I guess I write another one about how great I am. How much money I made, that will make me look good, right? Guys? Was it better than Friday? What you out of your mind? Ofcos! A lot better than friday. I dont know, they like equal level that disgust me!

So what do you think of the music video? It was cute, it's all about her being famous and everything. They try to make her looks like somebody likes her. The one part she's waving out of window at "fans". Those are not actually "fans". They are paid extras to be in the video. You have her in beginning in the studio, then so sort weird dancing thing in the slow-mo. The end she was at like premier. Every pop singers cookie cutter format. A lot people thought she was a bad singer in Friday. No, she wasn't.

With this song you think she is a better singer? Yes, in Friday she is more squeaky. She actually did a good job, i gave her props for that. Now she's like really good! NO... She's still pretty awful! What do you think about the lyric where she address her haters directly? They are very strong, strong and powerful. Pretty much pay back. She is a brag. She's pretty much saying: Haha! In your face, now I'm famous. Now she just wants to brag. And I think that'll make people hate her more, responding to the haters in a song. God! She's so stu.. she doesn't understand the world.
听完这首后,你认为她是个好歌手吗?是的,她在《星期五》里比较烂。她其实做得还不错,这点要肯定。现在她已经非常好了? 不...她其实还是很烂。她在歌词里直接和不喜欢她的人对话你怎么看?我觉得很强,强而有力。基本是在报复。她是在炫耀。好像是在说:哈哈!怎么样?我现在出名了!现在她只是在炫耀。我觉得这会让大家更加的憎恨她!用一首歌来回应不喜欢她的人。天!她真是太..她完全不了解这个世界。

You think it's nice to say things like that to people? When they being mean to you, yea! When they especially being mean to you, just take that away. Just be like: My moment! i wont care about you! Was this a good choice of her second song? Yes! I think this was a good direction for her. I think she should put out another song that doesn't have anything to do with everyone hating her. Why you want people to remember Friday if they all hated it? Which idiot would do that? Be so stupid to... First look like a total stupid person, and after that.. For the next music video look like, a total mean money sensitive witch! Witch! Witch! 
你认为她对大家这样说合适吗?大家对你无情时,就合适!当大家对你无情时:收回你说的!这是我的时刻!我才不在乎你呢!她的第二首歌选对了吗?是的!对她来说是个正确的方向。我觉得她应该再出一首歌。和大家都很讨厌她无关的。大家都很讨厌《星期五》,你为什么非要提?哪个傻瓜会这样!太傻了... 首先表现得像一个彻底的脑残,然后... 下一个MV里面。表现得像一个见钱眼开的女巫!女巫!女巫!

You think the same company that made Friday made this song? No. That last guy wasn't in it. Like the producer who's driving in the limo. If the same company that did Friday did this song,that guy would been in the video. Do you think this company is better than the other company? It's better rhythm and better actors, more actors, not just her and her "Friends". I don't know she's working with two retards , I dont know what to tell her. First she look stupid, then she look mean. Can she just find someone to make her look normal? You consider Rebecca black to be famous? No! No, I don't! Famous for being bad. When you famous you kinda have to have fans. She doesn't have any. 
你认为这个是和《星期五》同一个公司制作的吗?不。上次那个人不在里面,那个开豪华轿车的制作人。如果和《星期五》是同一个公司,那个人就会在这个视频里。你认为这个公司比上次那个要好吗?节奏好多了,演员也强了点,而且更多,不再只是她和她那些所谓的“朋友”。我不知道,她在和两个弱智合作,我不知道怎么说她。先看起来很傻,现在看起来很贱。她就不能找个能让她看起来正常一点的吗?你认为 丽贝卡·布莱克 出名吗?不!不,我不这么认为!烂得很出名。你出名就必须得有粉丝,可她没有。

If someone told you: I really like Rebecca Black! What would you say to them? You're a liar! You think she can ever be taking seriously or she'll always be a joke? I think she'll be consider a joke. I don't think anybody could take her seriously after Friday. Maybe she can be taking seriously when she gets a job as president.

If you could tell Rebecca what song she should making next,what you tell her? A rock song. More from your heart, not from like...I hate you guys, I dont care about you. I think she sould just forget about her first two songs. Try to think better ideas, get a new recorder company maybe. You can make any song you want. But as long as it doesn't have brag in it. If you want to brag, don't brag in front of a video! Rebecca, you are famous for being terrible! You continue making video, you get more famous, but you still be terrible. So...give up? I'm not a hater. I think that she were brave to put it out there. The song is a lot better than Friday. You gotta admit! is a lot better.

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