
由阿汤哥主演的悬疑动作片《侠探杰克》Jack Reacher 于2月16日在内地公映,日前汤姆·克鲁斯接受中国媒体采访,身兼主演和制作人的他侃侃而谈新片《侠探杰克》。现年50岁的阿汤哥表示他还会继续竭尽所能做到最好。


I truly love telling storys. It has been a lifelong dream for me to be acting in movies.

You have to work actively. You gotta be dedicated. The level of dedication takes to learn.

I earned fame and money came, but that's never the reason why I like making moives. I just have real desire and love for cinema.


六发子弹,五名死者。一个不知名的枪手在闹市区制造了这么大的一个“惊喜”。这个“惊喜”让整个城市都陷入魁了恐慌。所有的证据都指向了詹姆斯·巴尔(约瑟夫·斯科拉 Joseph Sikora 饰),一个前军队的狙击手。他被逮捕之后,只说了两句话:你们抓错人了,把杰克·理查尔(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)找来。杰克·理查尔是一个前军队的警务人员,现在过着穷困潦倒的生活。其实理查尔和巴尔是老相识了。他们曾经都在军队中服役。在海湾战争中,巴尔用同样的方法谋杀过4个人,但是因为技术上的原因,而洗脱了罪名。理查尔则坚信,只要他再犯同样的案件,自己就一定能把巴尔绳之于法……

Jack Reacher (previously titled One Shot) is a 2012 American thriller film. It is an adaptation of Lee Child's 2005 novel One Shot. Written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie, the film stars Tom Cruise as the title character. The film entered production in October 2011, and concluded in January 2012. It was filmed entirely on location in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
