No One Hates "Twilight" As Much As Robert Pattinson: A Supercut

The Twilight series is finally over. Excited to be rid of the Twilight franchise once and for all? Probably no one is more relieved than the man who played Edward Cullen.

The film's star has made it no secret over the years that he's not the biggest fan of Edward Cullen & Company.

The folks at Buzzfeed were kind enough to compose an entertaining as all get-out supercut of the various interviews in which Pattinson slags off the movies and books.
新闻聚合网站BuzzFeed 非常贴心地将帕丁森在过去的采访中,各种吐槽暮光电影和小说的镜头剪辑到一起,制作了这个欢乐的视频。

On the first Twilight and Stephenie Meyer: "When I read it, it seemed like it was a book that wasn't supposed to be published". 