Fuller Houseseason 2 will be available to stream in its entirety on Friday, December 9, 2016.  As is usual for Netflix, the new season will once again consist of 13 episodes.

The first episode of Fuller House season 2 will reportedly be titled ‘Welcome Back’, but actual plot details are still unknown. With Steve being upped to series regular, one assumes he’ll likely continue his romantic pursuit of D.J. Some announced guest stars for season 2 include Hal Sparks (Queer as Folk) as Nelson, another of D.J.’s teenage exes, and four members of the popular late ’80s/early ’90s boy band New Kids on the Block. Sparks is taking over the Nelson role from original portrayer Jason Marsden, who reportedly declined to return, but has no issue with the recasting. Whatever one wishes to say about the makers of Fuller House, it can’t be argued that they aren’t aware just how much the show’s success rides on nostalgia for a bygone era.
《欢乐再满屋》第二季的首集命名为“欢迎回归”,但是具体内容尚不清楚。随着史蒂夫延续电视的常规发展,一种假设他有可能会继续浪漫追求D.J. 一些已经公布的第2季的客串明星,包括哈尔斯帕克斯在《同志亦凡人》中饰演纳尔逊,另一个是D.J.的前男友,还有深受80年代晚期和90年代早期人喜欢的四人组合“新街边男孩”。斯帕克斯对角色的刻画已经超越了纳尔森的最初饰演者杰森 · 马斯登,这个不愿回归本剧的演员,不过一切已经都解决了。对于《欢乐再满屋》的制片我们无论如何要说的是,不可否认,我们都应该清楚这部剧的成功建立在人们对逝去的那个时代的怀念。

Fuller Houseseason 2 premieres December 9, 2016 on Netflix.
《欢乐再满屋》第二季将在2016年12月9 日在Netflix首播。