



These conjoined twins are probably the most famous freak show act. Did you know they got married to sisters and had 21 children between them? Chang died of a stroke first, and Eng died the next day.


Isaac Sprague toured with P.T. Barnum as the “Human Skeleton.” In his 40s, he weighed about 40 lbs and eventually died due to his strange condition.
Isaac Sprague有“骷髅人”之称,他跟随巴纳姆巡回演出。四十多岁的他仅18公斤重,最终死于这种奇怪的症状。


The Snow sisters (pictured above) and Schlitze suffered from microcephaly, which meant their brains and skulls were abnormally small. They’re developmentally delayed as well, possessing a child-like innocence. At the time, they were referred to as “pinheads.” All three starred in the classic 1930s film FREAKS.


Obviously we know now that the Fiji Mermaid was just a hoax designed to attract crowds. P.T. Barnum was nothing if not savvy. He attached a monkey skeleton’s upper half to that of a large fish, thus creating what could have been a “mermaid” skeleton. An ugly mermaid for sure, but it worked. Barnum tripled his crowds solely by promising a “free” sneak peek at the mermaid with purchase of a ticket.


Lentini had three legs, yes—that’s pretty crazy on its own. But he ALSO had two sets of genitals.


Both Jo Jo and his father had hypertrichosis, which means an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the face and body. He moved from Russia to the U.S., where he joined up with who else—Barnum—and became a famous sideshow performer. He would often bark like a dog and growl at the crowds.
Jo Jo和父亲都患有多毛症,因此他们身体和脸上长了大量毛发。他从俄罗斯搬去美国,跟随巴纳姆成为了著名的畸形秀表演者。他通常会像狗一样吠叫,并向观众嚎叫。


Stiles’ extremities were fused together like LOBSTER CLAWS, hence the name. Two of his children inherited this condition and they toured the country. However, Stiles was a nasty alcoholic, and shot and killed his daughter’s fiancé. He escaped jail time despite confessing because no prison or facility could care for someone with his disability. Later, Stiles’ wife hired another sideshow performer to murder her husband in 1992, claiming his abuse had gotten worse and she was afraid for her family.


Ruth Davis was born with phocomelia—“seal limbs.” She toured the sideshow circuit as “Mignon, the Penguin Girl” and married twice before retiring from sideshow life in the ‘60s.


This man could stretch the skin out from any part of his body AND bend his toes and fingers all over the place. He suffered from what is known as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The Elastic Man toured with Barnum & Bailey shows for years.