


[Scene: Ross'apartment. Chandler and Joey are there. Ross enters with a pizza.]
Ross: Alright boys, let's eat.
Chandler: Oh, did you get that from the 'I Love Rachel' pizzeria?
Ross: You still on that?
Chandler: Oh, come on.What was with that whole Black Bart speech? (mimicking): "When I play poker, I'm not a nice guy!"
Ross: You are way off, pal.
Joey: No, I don'tthink so, see Ross, because I think you love her.
Ross: Um.... no.See, I might've had feelings for her at one time—not any more. I just—I...
(Marcel makesa screeching noise in background.)
Ross: Marcel!Where are you going with that disc?
(Marcel puts a CD in the player.)
Ross: You are not putting that on again! Marcel, OK—if you press that button, you are in very,very big trouble.
(The LionSleeps Tonight starts to play. Marcel starts to dance.)






