The Walking Dead Season 5 started filming on Monday, May 5 and — according to Chandler Riggs (Carl Grimes) — they finished the first episode on Thursday, May 15.
《行尸走肉》第五季的拍摄工作从5月5号开始——据Chandler Riggs(Carl Grimes扮演者)透露——他们已经在5月15日完成了第五季第一集的拍摄工作。

Chandler shared the news Friday, May 16 during an chat. A fan asked, “How many episodes for season 5 have you already filmed? and he answered, “just 1, we start 2 today.” Later, he was also asked, "When are you going to finish filming the first episode of season five?‎" and he answered, "we finished yesterday." Only five more months to wait.

While talking to fans, Chandler responded to other TWD-related Qs, like, “Does Beth die?!?” His answer: "i hope not." (So he’s no help on that one.) Another fan asked, “Who's more serious on set andrew or norman?” He answered, “andy” — so Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) takes another win over Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus).
在和粉丝的交流中,Chandler还回答了其他《行尸走肉》的问题,比如,“Beth到底死了没有?!”他的回答是:“我希望没有。”(这个说法对大家想知道的没有帮助。)还有粉丝问“谁是片场最严肃的人,Andrew还是Norman?”他的回答是“Andy”——看来Rick Grimes在这一轮赢了。