RichardI was doing my job, 84, I slipped back into Laos. And my contact had just returned from Hanoi, where he came across half a __(1)__ men digging a well under armed guard. “ Caucasians”, he said, “ wearing lots of zippers”. You know what has lots of zippers?

Michael: Yeah, a flight suit. Downed pilots.

Richard: Yeah, though I had __(2)__ intel on POWs and a location –

Nikita: Why didn't this come out?

Richard: Politics. The higher – ups didn't even want to look into it. Afraid they'd start an __(3)__. That didn't sit well with me. So I __(4)__ hell.

Michael: Like father, like daughter.

Richard: Next thing I knew, I was brought up on charges of __(5)__ heroin out of Thailand. But I ran before they could –

dozen credible incident raised smuggling
理查德:我当时在执行任务,1984年,我潜回老挝,我的联络人刚从河内回来,他发现那里有六个人在挖井,而且有武装人员看守。他说,“都是白人,衣服上又很多拉链”。你们知道哪种衣服有很多拉链吗? 迈克尔:知道,飞行服。被俘的飞行员。 理查德:没错,虽然我对俘虏的情况和位置都有可靠的情报、、、 尼基塔:那这事怎么没有公开? 理查德:政治原因。上头的人甚至不想调查,怕引起外交事变,但我却看不下去了,于是大闹一番。 迈克尔:有其父必有其女。 理查德:接下来我就受到指控说我在泰国走私毒品出境,但我逃了,趁他们还没、、、