


____1____. Can I just, you know, ___2____?
You're an artist, Sid.
You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and I'm never gonna see it again.
___3___, yes.
Most guys, ___4___, ___5___, ____6____.
“Mom”, girlfriend's initials, ____7____.
You get a full set of sleeves, ____9____.
Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.
Wish to hell I did.

That's it look at it for a minute There's a good chance of that you know for the first one they start with something small something like that Not you all in a couple of months I don't have a few years
好了,我能欣赏一会儿吗? Sid,你是个艺术家。 你是说你就这么走了之后我就再也看不到这件艺术品了? 极有可能。 绝大多数人,第一次都是从很小的东西开始纹. “Mom”,女友名字的首字母,就像这种。 短短两个月就做了整整一套,那些人要花好几年呢。 我没有那么多时间,我也希望有那么多时间。 ——译文来自: winner8698