

The Cure is a potion that can cure immortality. It was created by Qetsiyah as a way to cure Silas of immortality. It is in an undisclosed location along with Silas' body which can only be found with the Hunter's tattoo (The Five). Also upon completion it will reveal a spell that can unearth Silas and the cure. But as revealed by Professor Shane, only a Bennett Witch can perform the spell as they are the descendants of Qetsiyah the witch who sealed the cure and Silas. Shane reveals he already knows the location of the cure but still needs the Hunter's mark complete. Despite being a cure though Klaus speculates it could mean all their deaths. This could possibly because, like in the books, their bodies would not be able to compensate for the time that they were vampires. As revealed by Galen Vaughn, there is only one dose of the cure.
治疗是一种药水,能治愈不死。由Qetsiyah制作为了治愈Silas的不死症。他所藏的位置是同Silas一样的,只能被Hunter身上的地图所发现,当地图完成后,它会显示一个法术,可以挖掘出Silas 和 Cure。但是,就像教授Shane说的,只能由Bennett女巫才能施展这个法术,因为他们是Qetsiyah女巫的后代。教授Shane透露,他已经知道了Cure的位置,但仍需要Hunter的完整标记。虽然可以治愈不死症,但克劳斯推测,这可能意味着他们的死亡。这是因为,在书中写到,他们的身体不能够补偿的不死的时间,他们是吸血鬼。Galen Vaughn所揭示,Cure只有一个剂量。